The feeder program for General Motors is spread throughout technical colleges in the US. In 2021, through Madhouse, they launched a new website with a fresh look. Initially, their site was set up to direct users to contact information based on the location they search for. They could either select the website, phone number, advisor email address or map of their chosen location. When I came onto the project, I recommended an upgrade to GA4, with the addition of custom tags and parameters to better track which schools were getting the most attention, and the way users were choosing to make contact.

General Motors reached out to us to hone in a little further. In order to better track leads, we added a button that sends users to a lead form, with the location pre-selected. On top of sending to the advisor, all form entries also notify a couple stakeholders who track the number of submissions.

To get more eyes on these pages, we also launched a digital advertising campaign. With a smaller budget, we kept focus on Google Search and targeted users in the key demographic that were searching for related terms. From February 2022 to December 2022, even with a small budget, their campaign resulted in 86k impressions with a 5.2% average CTR. Overall, they received 941 unique, legitimate online inquiries nationwide.